My name is Ryan Whitmire, and I am a Senior Software Engineer at DraftKings.
I have a passion for programming languages and I'm constantly learning new ways to solve
old problems. As you can probably tell by the design of this website, I like to keep things simple.
As much as I enjoy writing code, I find deleting code is equally satisfying.
Building maintainable software is incredibly important to me. If the things we build break down and wake us up in the middle of the night demanding to be fixed immediately, why did we build them to begin with? This is no way to live! Write elegant code, acquire sleep.™
Blog Posts
How Velaro Handles Email
Email is Hard
Webpack for Beginners
Acts of Kindness
Better Async with Co
Reverting Multiple Commits in Git
Frameworks and Grocery Stores
Backbone.js with ES2015
Deleting Directories in Windows With Long Paths (NPM)
Getting Started With Require.js
Entity Framework Basics
Using an Android Tablet as a Raspberry Pi Monitor
Television for Cheap
Sending Messages Between Controllers in Angular.js
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